Friday, March 28, 2008

Lab Rat

I found this article on VeloNews, one of their correspondents took a very similar power test to the one I did back in February. Although it’s not apples to apples as his was done outside, it does offer some interesting comparison points. It seems our numbers are pretty similar through out most of the zones (see mine in the earlier post).

Considering how similar our numbers are I think I may need to work on my sprint or anaerobic power as well. The author of this article doesn’t seem to happy with these results, but I am not too concerned considering how early in the season it was that I took this test.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Col de Peyresourde

This Sunday I was back at Opt-Performance after taking last weekend off for some epic snowboarding. We again spent the first hour + warming up and doing some intervals. The second have of the class was the Col de Peyresourde. Similar to the Alp d'Huez this is another 8 mile climb from the Tour de France. The Col averages a 6.6% grade, but much of the ride is over 7%. What made this weeks climb so tough was that we spent much of it pushing a big gear.

I guess I have been underestimating how difficult these classes are, I thought last weeks was tough because I forgot to bring food; but I brought plenty of food this week and still got my ass kicked.

I need to get some base miles in.

Here is the breakdown:
Dst: 46.09
Max: 47.8 mph
Ave: 18.6 mph
Time: 2:37.01
In Zone: 1:02.28
160+: 1:34.33
Max: 189 (97%)
Ave: 161 (83%)